Purpose: To be a realistic tool for real life drift training on PC. Other games are focused on grip racing and happen to support drifting or are drift oriented but unrealistic. This simulator is aimed to be as realistic as possible.
Tools: Currently this simulator uses the Unity engine with rewired for control mapping and Vehicle Physics Pro’s free edition for model physics.
Current Issues: VPP has lots of features (body deformation, better FFB, access to tire modifications, motion rig support, etc) that are essential to the game. Unfortunately, it’s behind a ~$700 paywall. To fully realize the projects potential, this will need to be purchased
Why not play other sims/games?
- More modern engine and drift specific updates will be made
- Car/body deformation will make wall taps “softer” and more realistic
- Active development for new features
- Spectator modes will be free and allow for better streaming and engagement
- As a real drifter, I know what real drifting is like and can ensure tire modeling is realistic
Current Features:
- VR and non VR supported
- Tire models editable from outside the game
- VPP vehicle integration
- Base force feedback implemented
- Full control mapping implemented
Current Bugs list:
- VR seating position can be wonky
- FFB at high speeds isn’t stable
Alpha Features Planned (without VPP paid):
- Launcher application with settings
- Tire modeling
- Car settings
- Video settings
- Demo track for basics (thanks Dave!)
- Easy assetto corsa FBX port (or research alternatives)
- Basic VR GUI?
Minimum Viable Product (with paid VPP)
- Corrected FFB
- Multiplayer
- User modding for cars/tracks
- Body damage/deformation
- Motion rig implementation
- VPP diagnostics GUI
- Tire modifiers (heat/pressure/degredation)
Beyond VPP features:
- Free version for spectators
- Drone mode
- FPS mode
- Screen shot capability
- Graphics updates